Where to get more information

Need help or more information? River Clyde Homes have a Customer Experience Team who can offer you assistance. You can contact them on 01475 788887.

To apply for housing with River Clyde Homes you need to complete a registration form online here. Please allow up to 20 days for new applications to be processed.


Other landlords offering social rented homes

• Abbeyfield – 01727 857 536
• Bield Housing Association – 0131 273 4000
• Blackwood Housing Association – 0131 317 7227
• Cloch Housing Association – 01475 783637 (These Homes)
• Larkfield Housing Association – 01475 630930 (These Homes)
• Link Housing Association (managed by Larkfield Housing Association) – 01475 630930 (These Homes)
• Oak Tree Housing Association – 01475 807000 (These Homes)
• River Clyde Homes Housing Association – 01475 788887
• Trust Housing Association – 0131 444 1200
• Key Housing Association - 0141 342 1890

These Homes provides access to available homes from Oak Tree Housing Association (HA), Cloch HA, Larkfield HA and Link HA.


If you are homeless or you believe that you may become homeless in the next 2 months, you should approach the Homelessness Service at The Inverclyde Centre, 98 Dalrymple Street, Greenock. If you would like more information, please contact Homelessness on 01475 715880 or [email protected].

You can get advice and assistance for a range of housing issues from the Inverclyde Homeless Service:
• Rent or mortgage arrears
• Been asked to leave your home
• Leaving care or prison
• Sleeping on someone’s couch

If you think you are in danger of being evicted, having your home repossessed or losing your home for any other reason, the you should get help and advice as soon as possible. There may be options available to you that you are not aware of.

The following agencies can provide you with advice and information to help you if you think that you are going to lose your home:
• Money Advice Scotland – Tel: 0141 572 0237 Website: http://www.moneyadvicescotland.org.uk/
• Legal Services Agency, 9 Sir Michael Street, Greenock PA15 1PQ Tel: 01475 725665
• Consumer Credit Counselling Service – Tel: 0800 1381111 Website: http://www.stepchange.org/
• Shelter Scotland Tel: 0808 8004444 Website: http://scotland.shelter.org.uk/
• National Debt Line – Tel: 0808 8084000 Website: http://www.nationaldebtline.org


Domestic violence

Scottish Women’s Aid is the lead organisation in Scotland working towards the prevention of domestic abuse. They play a vital role campaigning and lobbying for effective responses to domestic abuse. You can contact Inverclyde Women’s Aid by telephone: 01475 781689 or [email protected]

Other organisations you may wish to contact for support:
• Samaritans – 08457 909090 website: http://www.samaritans.org
• Inverclyde Women’s Aid Sexual Abuse Service – 01475 888110
• National Rape Crisis Helpline – 0808 801 0302
• Special Needs in Pregnancy (SNIPS) – 01475 633777 Ext: 4833
• ManKind Initiative – 08707944124 Website: http://www.mankindcounselling.org.uk
• National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 08000271234
• Men’s Domestic Abuse Advice Line – 08088010327 Email: [email protected]
• Legal Service Agency – 01475 725665


Welfare benefit advice

Due to changes in Welfare Reform all new claims for working age claimants will require a claim for Universal Credit. Universal Credit is administered by the Department of Working Pensions (DWP) and aims to make the welfare system simpler by replacing six benefits and tax credits with two payments per month.

Applications to Universal Credit must be made online. You can find the link to apply for Universal Credit www.gov.uk/apply-universal-credit. To apply for Universal Credit, you must have a bank account and an email address.Remember to include details of your rent when you claim Universal Credit so that your housing costs are included in your claim. 

For assistance claiming Universal Credit call the Financial Wellbeing team on 01475 788887.

If Welfare Benefits advice is required, please contact:
• Inverclyde Advice First, HSCP, Hector McNeil House, Clyde Square, Greenock, PA15 1NB Tel: 01475 715299
• Financial Fitness, 29 West Stewart Street, Greenock, PA15 1SH Tel: 01475 729239
• MacMillan Welfare Right Services, HSCP, Hector McNeil House, Clyde Square, Greenock, PA15 1NB Tel: 01475 715299


Mutual exchange

A mutual exchange is when a social housing tenant exchanges homes with another tenant looking to move home. Exchanging properties can take place between two tenants of social landlords anywhere in the UK. It is, however, necessary that both landlords give permission for the exchange to take place.

You can try and gain interest in a mutual exchange by word of mouth, advertising online, advertising in shop windows etc.

This type of move is particularly useful for tenants who:
• Are interested in a move to a different area
• Are looking to find a more suitable home
• Need a smaller or larger home
• Are looking for a quicker method of transfer

All tenants have a legal right to request permission to carry out a mutual exchange. We will not unreasonably refuse this. However, under certain conditions you may not be able to exchange e.g. rent arrears, number of bedrooms, adaptations. Your social housing landlord will have their own mutual exchange form – usually available on their website or from their office.